HAM Radio Apps for Mac, iPad and iPhone

Software Defined Radio Client

Modern Radios like those from FlexRadio, Icom, Yaesu, Kenwood and Elecraft are software defined. This means, most of it’s RX and TX features are no longer built in Hardware but in Software. This not just provides much better signaling and performance. It also allows to control these Radios by a computer or mobile device, the SDR Client.

Most SDR offer a network connection either Wireless (WiFi) or local Network (LAN). This allows to use Mobile devices such as iPads or iPhones.

Feature overview

Apps by Marcus Roskosch (DL8MR) and his son Jan share several unique features. Most, especially the most important features like the FT8 Tool and the Logbook are available for app Apps and all Radios. Some features are limited to certain Radios or platforms (iOS, iPad or Mac). For instance, iPhones or iPads don’t have a ‘real’ USB connector which prevents using certain devices such as Controllers or even the IC-7300 that only offer a USB connection. Further below you will find a comparison of all the features and apps.

FT8 integrated

All apps come with integrated FT8 and FT4. No Cables, Audio deivers, settings needed – just do FT8 – whenever you want, wherever you want.
In addition, there are Tools for RTTY, WE-Fax and PSK.


... also on iPads and iPhones

It was never easier to operate in these modes, even on an iPad or iPhone.

These apps were the first offering FT8 on mobile devices.

Integrated Logbook

Remote access from everywhere

Band plan and Band limits

Hardware Controller support

More Tools

The apps offer many more tools and the number of tools is growing over time.


More Modes

Like the tools, the list of modes and decoders will also grow over time.

Complete Feature Comparison